🌿 Exciting News! 🌿The Economic Impact Study Has Launched!
NCSU Launches Economic Impact Study for the Green Industry
There is a buzz of excitement in our industry as we step into the new year. The North Carolina General Assembly has earmarked $344,000 in nonrecurring funds for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at North Carolina State University (NCSU) to conduct a comprehensive economic impact study of the green industry within the state. This significant investment marks the first such study in nearly two decades and signifies a significant milestone for the industry.
The decision to allocate funding for this important research was included in the Budget Conference Report and is the result of advocacy efforts by the North Carolina Green Industry Council. Learn more HERE.
Please take time to contribute your input and expertise on this key study – CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED

Moments from the 2024 Annual General Meeting

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Landscape Maintenance Senior Technician

Wake County General Services Administration